Mole, Peter
Treating the Depth - Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture
‘Illnesses may be identical but the persons suffering from them are different’
Xu Dachun
How can one best use acupuncture to treat the person as well as the illness? Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture emphasises diagnosis and treatment on the root (ben ) rather than the manifestation (biao). To achieve this it uses very different diagnostic and treatment protocols from TCM. It focuses on the emotional world of the patient as well as other diagnostic signs laid out in the Su Wen.. Its use of points is also derived almost entirely from the Nei Jing, rather than the more modern point functions used in TCM. Overall it provides an extremely profound method of practising acupuncture that gives the practitioner an excellent tool for treating the person rather than just the illness.Anzahl: 6 Audio-CD`s
Xu Dachun
How can one best use acupuncture to treat the person as well as the illness? Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture emphasises diagnosis and treatment on the root (ben ) rather than the manifestation (biao). To achieve this it uses very different diagnostic and treatment protocols from TCM. It focuses on the emotional world of the patient as well as other diagnostic signs laid out in the Su Wen.. Its use of points is also derived almost entirely from the Nei Jing, rather than the more modern point functions used in TCM. Overall it provides an extremely profound method of practising acupuncture that gives the practitioner an excellent tool for treating the person rather than just the illness.Anzahl: 6 Audio-CD`s

Jahr: 2007
ISBN: C_TCM07_04
Sprache: Englisch
Preis: 36,00 €
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