Chirali, Ilkay
Practical Cupping - Das Qi des Schröpfens
Cupping therapy might be as old as the human civilisation. The ancient healers tried to purge the evil spirit which was seen as the cause of the disease from body and soul, by administering strong purgatives orally or by bleeding methods. For most of the time some form of cupping was administered during these bleeding rituals. We also know from stone carvings and drawings that the Mexican Aztecs, African Shamans, Egyptians, Romans, Greeks and Chinese, all employed cupping for healing purposes. From childhood age I have experienced cupping as this method was the first line of therapy against catching cold in the Turkish Cypriot household. In 1985, I was qualified as an acupuncturist in Australia, where I was encouraged to use cupping during trea tment. So far I have managed to bring together ten (10) different methods of cupping therapy to my practice. The aim of my workshops are to teach safe cupping methods of ten techniques to students and practitioners of TCM. In my opinion-Nothing Moves Qi and Blood faster than Cupping. Anzahl: 2 Video-Kassetten

Jahr: 2003
ISBN: D_TCM03_11
Sprache: Englisch
Preis: 38,00 €
inklusive Mehrwertsteuer
zuzüglich Versandkosten
ca. 10 Tagen Lieferzeit

Jahr: 2003
ISBN: V_TCM03_11
Sprache: Englisch
Preis: 38,00 €
inklusive Mehrwertsteuer
zuzüglich Versandkosten
ca. 10 Tagen Lieferzeit