Euler, David
The care of elderly considering immune (Part 2), Birth Trauma and Adrenal Exhaustion, Neurological Disorders and General Geriatric Concerns
The Care of Elderly Considering Immune, Birth Trauma and Adrenal Exhaustion, Neurological Disorders and General Geriatric Concerns, Part 2 (Krankheitsentwicklung, Teil 1, vom Geburtstrauma bis zu adrenaler Erschöpfung, geschwächtes Immunsystem und neurologischen Störungen),
In this more elaborate workshop David will explain and demonstrate the differential diagnosis and treatment strategies that apply to elderly patients (but will not exclude other case presentations). The main emphasis will be to solve the main and most common problems that elderly patients complain of - from a disease modulation point of view and not just from a symptomatic approach. The application of gentle (non painful) but exact needling techniques as well as the differential diagnosis by palpation will be explained and demonstrated. Topics such as osteoporosis, chronic and complex pain syndromes (orthopedic and otherwise), neuropathies and neuralgias as well as the management of patients taking a multitude of medications will be discussed and explained. ((you can add if applicable: Demonstrations are projected on a large screen so everyone can see clearly)) Anzahl: 4 CDs
In this more elaborate workshop David will explain and demonstrate the differential diagnosis and treatment strategies that apply to elderly patients (but will not exclude other case presentations). The main emphasis will be to solve the main and most common problems that elderly patients complain of - from a disease modulation point of view and not just from a symptomatic approach. The application of gentle (non painful) but exact needling techniques as well as the differential diagnosis by palpation will be explained and demonstrated. Topics such as osteoporosis, chronic and complex pain syndromes (orthopedic and otherwise), neuropathies and neuralgias as well as the management of patients taking a multitude of medications will be discussed and explained. ((you can add if applicable: Demonstrations are projected on a large screen so everyone can see clearly)) Anzahl: 4 CDs

Jahr: 2005
ISBN: C_TCM05_30
Sprache: Deutsch
Preis: 28,50 €
inklusive Mehrwertsteuer
zuzüglich Versandkosten
ca. 10 Tagen Lieferzeit